“SOLVE” на казахском языке


другие переводы

solve decide resolve decode unpack untie



resolve answer work out find a solution to find the key to puzzle out fathom decipher decode clear up straighten out get to the bottom of unravel piece together explain figure out crack

примеры использования

It was not alone the problems concerning the working-men that she had to solve day in, day out.

I hope we can solve that mystery at least.

During the first weeks of work there was something new to talk about every day and always something interesting to worry about, problems to solve or to think over.

I’m going to solve it myself.

And even if it wasn’t, swapping theories and conjecture wasn’t going to solve anything anyway.

Aarin would weep for what he had done, if he were not so driven to solve the problem of the dead.

To solve this contradiction, Bridges I prepared a special system.

“Find out how to solve the problem of the dead.

‘Then why are you trying to solve me?

But he finds he doesn’t want to solve it, at least, not with Liam.

It was that setting a definite date for departure brought many new problems to solve.