“THUMB” на казахском языке


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leaf flick flip riffle skim browse look

имя существительное

pollex opposable digit

примеры использования

” He made a fist to demonstrate and wiggled the thumb tucked against his fingers.

She held up the fist he’d ordered her to make, her thumb inside her folded fingers.

“You hold your fist like that when you punch someone and you’ll shatter your thumb.

Nevertheless, there was a little strain in his smile when he jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the departing magister, so slight it was only just noticeable.

Its forelimbs were powerfully developed, with short, triangular claws tipping three fingers and a rudimentary thumb on each hand.

” Dylan asked, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand.

So Cassian stroked his thumb along her palm and said, “Hello, Nes.

She turned her face to him and he grazed a thumb across her cheek.

His thumb traces her mouth, her delicate, soft mouth.

Cassian’s arm remained around Nesta, and his thumb moved over her shoulder in an idle, reassuring caress.

Vand picked one up and rolled it between thumb and forefinger, letting its grooves rub upon the ridges of his fingerprints.