“BARREN” на польском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
barren sterile idle arid aseptic unproductive
sterile infertile effete barren fruitless neuter
barren infertile
useless unnecessary barren inutile unprofitable
dry hacking sapless barren lanky bald
leafless barren bald
имя существительное
barren fallow lands
wilderness desolation desert waste barren boondocks


имя прилагательное

unproductive infertile unfruitful sterile arid desert

имя существительное

wasteland waste

примеры использования

All bald, barren mountains at odds with those around them.

No humans wandered the leaf-strewn road beyond the cottage; only a few birds chirped a halfhearted melody from the almost barren trees.

After two days on the river, the swamps of the Lair fell behind them, the banks turned rocky and barren and Tsen saw the first distant summits of the Konsidar ahead, the southern rim that cradled the Vespinarr basin before the greater peaks of the Righteous Ones further to the north.

Even more than a year later, the ravages of war lay evident around the estate: trees felled, barren patches of earth where greenery had not yet returned, and a general bleak openness that made the gray-stoned house seem like an accidental survivor.

But Cassian paused before a landscape painting of a towering, barren mountain, void of life yet somehow thrumming with presence.

The sea was a mile to their backs now and the land was barren earth where nothing grew but tufts of spiny grass.

It loomed straight ahead, with two mountains and a sea of forest and the gods knew what else between her and its barren slopes.

It rose like a wave on the horizon, bleak and barren and somehow thrumming with presence.

It’s marvellous, don’t you think, how lush green pasture land and forest have been created on the top of this barren mountain?

While the modalmen were at their debates, Rel explored the barren valley.

Joy eyed the barren stool beside her and felt a thickness in her throat.