“ADIEU” на русском языке


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имя существительное
parting farewell goodbye bye leave adieu


имя существительное

goodbye farewell until we meet again bye-bye bye cheers ciao au revoir adios sayonara so long ta-ta cheerio toodle-oo

примеры использования

Charles Jenkins concluded: ‘Ultimately he loved Europe and not only for its wagon-lits (railway sleeping cars) and that is why I end by saying adieu .’

And believe it or not, it's ciao, adieu and a big, fat ‘cheerio, babe!’

I'm somewhat rattling on - adieu , and very good post Mr. Johnson!

One of the most subtly poignant scenes in the film's the ghost's aching farewell: ‘adieu, adieu , remember me.’

You came when times were hard and labourers were few; you leave with our gratitude, our blessings and adieu .