“ALTAR” на русском языке


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имя существительное
altar chancel sanctuary Lord's table
altar credence credenza credence table prothesis
throne altar see crown communion table
threshold doorstep sill step riffle altar


имя существительное

lord's table communion table

примеры использования

It was an altar for the highest-ranking sacrifice that this godless country had to accept.

Behind it was an altar.

A dais lay at the far end of the space, though no altar sat upon it.

The bullet grazed Sam’s shoulder before lodging itself in the altar directly behind him.

On the altar right in front of him lay an offering of a small whale on its back.

He put his cuff links on the altar.

Something fell on the altar.

Beneath the bath was a plinth, a slab of white stone that struck Tsen as uncomfortably like a sacrificial altar.

Mankind was the species to be sacrificed on the altar of survival.

The reason why it resembled an altar to Sam was because he wanted to remember the months and years he had spent with Lou as something special.

BBs are to become human sacrifices on the altar of American reconstructionism,” John said, taking a scrap of paper from his pocket and passing it to Cliff.