“ANOPHELES” на русском языке


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имя существительное
anopheles anopheles mosquito
малярийный комар
anopheles mosquito anopheles

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Of the thousands of mosquito types, only the genus anopheles transmits malaria to humans.

Intriguingly, the bias observed here was restricted to culicines, suggesting that loss from these taxa occurs at a higher rate than from anophelines , despite the fact that culicine genomes are up to eight times larger.

The distribution of humans and anopheline mosquitoes is not continuous across this region, but generally clustered on the high-elevation areas where rainfall is abundant.

Malaria perpetuates in 39 major anopheline species, including some that breed in water contained in footprints, and others in the axils of pineapple-like plants, in eddies at the margins of mountain streams, and in placid ponds.

Both culicine and anopheline mosquitoes can now be transformed, and genetic constructs that block the development of malaria parasites in transformed mosquitoes have been produced.