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Around the Ziltak, Shonda’s court had assembled to receive her in the open.
Most of them had something to do with celebrations of Independence Day and other national holidays, when the school-teacher or some other citizen would make a speech, and at night there would be an orchestra composed of villagers to play the national tunes and after that play for the assembled crowd to dance and make merry.
All the people assembled in the house seemed to expect that the American would now perform a great miracle such as raising the dead by sheer command.
Sam kept an eye on the five’s movements as he quickly took out his bola gun from his backpack and assembled it.
They had assembled from locations far and wide to stand at the deathbed of the last President of the United States of America.
Only a dozen villagers have assembled around the soldiers.
Feyre declared to the assembled crowd, “May the blessings of the Winter Solstice be upon you.
The assembled men shifted uncomfortably, for what Bannord said was true.
Every slave and every soldier of the eyrie would be outside, assembled in the dragon yard to greet her, Vespinese and Xicanese alike, chased from beds and duties and chores to abase themselves.
Vand allowed the magister plenty of space for his work, and his room was full of half assembled devices, Morfaan artefacts, books and mugs of congealing tea.
The development of the Q-pid tech had progressed smoothly and the new team to transport it across America had assembled without any problems.