“AXE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
ax hatchet bill axe
ax poleaxe poleax axe
ax chopper axe
execution dispatch ax decimation despatch axe
сокращение ассигнований
ax axe
сокращение бюджета
ax axe
cut reduce shrink abbreviate contract ax
request ask ax axe
работать топором
ax wield an axe axe
cut cut down curtail skimp truncate ax
expel kick out chase drive out ax
ask beg seek pray invite ax
ask inquire after ask about inquire about ax inquire for
ask question inquire demand interrogate ax
require demand claim ask take ax
invite ask call in retain ask out ax
хотеть видеть
ask ax axe


имя существительное

hatchet cleaver tomahawk adze poleax broadax battle-ax twibill


cancel withdraw drop scrap discontinue terminate end ditch dump pull the plug on

примеры использования

’ This time he roared it as loud as he could, then stood and clutched his axe too tightly as he listened to the echoes.

He dropped the golden owl back into his bag of treasures and took the axe off his back instead, shook his head and set his eyes on the leader of the desert men, a narrow wiry man, tall but thin.

The axe man must have thought the same because he flung his axe aside and ran, pelting down the road away from Eastwatch, headed toward Yarrow.

By the time he finished cutting the girl loose, Rew looked up and saw the axe man was well down the road, moving surprisingly quick for someone rapidly losing blood from several severed fingers.

It must have been torn apart, but it looked as if a giant had cleaved the peaks with an axe.

‘Or give me my axe and run fast and far.

Tuuran didn’t have any of those things, but he did have a nice big gold-glass shield that seemed to do for the lightning and a nice big axe too; and he’d found his axe could make a very pleasant mess even of a man dressed in gold-glass.

Rew stood, glaring down the road where the axe man had vanished.

He patted his axe.

A few looked at him as though he was mad, which he thought reasonable enough, all things considered, saw his shield and his axe and his sheer bloody-minded size and let him pass with a few mutters and pointed fingers.

’ Tuuran grinned and stroked his axe.