“BANGING” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
monstrous enormous prodigious bloodcurdling whopping banging


имя существительное


имя прилагательное

whopping humongous thumping walloping


hit strike beat thump hammer knock rap pound thud punch bump smack slap slam cuff pummel buffet bash whack thwack clobber clout clip wallop belt bop sock whomp bust slug whale

примеры использования

He had to give her some hope, or the Kressinds would be banging on his gate.

Kasagalio almost fell from the room, banging the door shut behind him in his haste to be away.

You are a case in point, my dear, the daughter of a magnate banging a drum for the poor that they cannot sound themselves.

”“But the truth of it is,” he said, banging his cane on the parquet decisively, “I don’t care.

Zaine was standing in front of it, banging on the door with her fist.

I started banging her and the warden got wind of it.

Jop was banging one of the reception center nurses and knew she made a daily run to the other side of the complex for a meeting each Thursday.

’ She’d been banging herself against the globe for four straight days, almost to the point of wishing she could spend her time measuring the rider-slave for her next set of armour instead.

The banging of hammers broke her fear.

Tuuran winced, imagining how much it must hurt, all that banging about with a spear stuck through the middle of you.

Feet sliding in blood, banging into display shelves and pumped with adrenaline.