“BUMPKIN” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
bumpkin yahoo roughneck
redneck lout bushman hick hillbilly bumpkin
неотесанный парень
bumpkin clown yokel chaw-bacon haw-buck


имя существительное

yokel peasant provincial rustic country cousin hayseed hillbilly hick rube clodhopper yahoo apple knocker hoser

примеры использования

Whether you're a city dweller or a country bumpkin like myself, it seems that we all take pleasure in what nature holds for us.

The Chinese also have a familiar term for what we would call a hick or a country bumpkin , and that is a xiali Ba ren, literally, a ‘villager from Ba.’

But he was a country bumpkin at heart, already dressed for the weekend in blue overalls, a red plaid shirt, and an old fashioned railroad engineer's striped hat.

she thought Tom a bit of a country bumpkin

Sometimes, as in the joke about asking directions from a country bumpkin , the easiest way to get from A to B is not to start at A at all.