“CHESTS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
chest breast bosom petto
chest box dower chest
грудная клетка
chest thorax windbag
box case bin kit chest locker
chest bin pocket crib
coffers treasury exchequer purse chest coffer
fund stock chest
exchequer treasure house chest


имя существительное

breast upper body torso trunk thorax

примеры использования

They were something in between human and doll, much like the mummies of Egypt with only their shriveled, dried-up hearts still in place in their chests.

Their polished gold-glass armour gleamed with coppery fire in the dawn sun, their ashgars rested on their shoulders and their shields were raised to their chests in perfect lines.

The ghosts of the court of the Dead King ran amok, plunging their phantasmal hands into the chests of the monks and stilling their hearts.

He rummaged through chests and shelves and closets.

The modalmen were beating their chests and slapping their cheeks with their mouths open, so that a tocking noise underpinned by a slapping rumble took the place of the cheers and cries, a sound similar to heavy rain on a metal roof.

The air carried a tinge of ozone and sulphur from Visonda Square but underneath it lay the soft perfume of the Arbiter’s silks, of old Xizic and the odd mustiness that came from the half-empty chests under the bed.

Their emerald and silver capes billowed and flapped like flags in the constant wind and the jade in their helms and the coloured silks they wore across their chests seemed to glow.

Six chests of gold sat against the walls, and three glass cabinets.

”3It had done them a great deal of good to clean their chests.

The equipment that Higgs and the other terrorists had strapped to their chests might not have been BBs either.