“COINCIDENT” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
coincidental coinciding coincident conterminous concurrent congruent
corresponding appropriate suitable fit adequate coincident


имя прилагательное

coincidental concurrent coinciding simultaneous

примеры использования

And again, the search for community college peer institution selection systems discovered methodologies consistent and coincident with the Brinkman and Teeter typology.

Such security consideration of the United States is coincident with that of Japan.

Since the focus here is on the general character of the annual cycle, it is not necessary to use ozone data coincident in time and space with the ground-based sensors.

The apparent paradox of soaring bankruptcies coincident with extraordinarily low unemployment and strong income growth has puzzled researchers and spurred Congress to consider legislative remedies.

Philosophers of global justice disagree about how these relationships should be understood, and particularly, whether it is right to regard them as coincident with membership in domestic society.