“COMPOSURE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
composure countenance poise temper control equanimity
composure cool coolness equanimity cold blood calmness
tranquility calm serenity peace calmness composure


имя существительное

self-control self-possession self-command calm equanimity equilibrium serenity tranquility aplomb poise presence of mind sangfroid imperturbability placidness impassivity cool

примеры использования

Thump’s back was to everybody except the Noiesni, who regained his composure and began to listen eagerly while Thump rambled, “My dad had his own garbage truck, but he got killed when I was three, not on the job or anything, so there wasn’t any insurance money, it was a motocross accident, y’know, like that, and I never met my grandma, not on that side, because she lived in Iowa, but Ryan, he’s my older brother…”Ron backed away, turned, looked at the guests in the living room, and beyond that, in the library.

His own composure was threatened upon seeing the hologram’s tears and hearing the other man’s trembling voice.

Despite his calm voice, the eyes behind his spectacles had lost some of their composure.

Sam tried to depart before his composure crumbled.