“DIFFICULTY” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
difficulty hardship intractability severeness
difficulty embarrassment trouble crux quandary puzzle
let obstacle obstruction barrier hurdle difficulty


имя существительное

strain trouble problems toil struggle laboriousness arduousness hassle stress

примеры использования

He reached the topmost branches without difficulty and looked out over the jungle.

Howard had some difficulty in finding his way back to camp.

He roused Aramaz with great difficulty.

It’d earned him a certain notoriety, and Rew’d had no difficulty recruiting volunteers to run the thieves to ground.

They could have taken a different path down the mountain, but it would have delayed them by days and would have added difficulty to their journey.

There’d been enough of them that they could have overwhelmed the farmer and his wife with little difficulty had they wanted to.

Of course, they may be lazy and take a rest, or have difficulty making out the trail and the shortest route.

A friend suggested we go this way, and I figured we’d find passage over the Spine with little difficulty.

Even the younglings had difficulty finding bushes to casually stumble through in the open forest.

“Had they gathered together before they attacked, maybe they’d have a chance, but it’s clear this spellcaster is capable of handling a small group with little difficulty.

The difficulty was, Katriona thought to herself, in telling the tribes apart.