“ERINYS” на русском языке


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In the course of this event, the Erinyes - the monsters who take vengeance on the wrongdoers, sort of a spiritual force who suddenly appear, as apparitions, and destroy and tear apart those who have been the wrongdoers - appeared.

Eumenides takes his name from classical Greece, where it was a euphemism for the Furies, those terrifying Erinyes optimistically renamed ‘the kindly ones’ at the end of Aeschylus' Oresteia.

Clytemnestra's avengers, the Erinyes , suffer a similar fate at the hands of male mythologists and Aeschylus.

And then there's the Furies: Erinys , goddesses of vengeance.

When Indra slays Vrita, Brahmahatya, a terrible retributive apparition, like the Erinyes or Furies of Greek myth, pursues him.