“EXAGGERATED” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
exaggerated overdone hyperbolical fabulous steep hyperbolic
inflated phony exaggerated phoney false
expanded enlarged widened broadened amplified exaggerated
ненормально расширенный
ненормально увеличенный


имя прилагательное

overstated inflated magnified amplified aggrandized excessive hyperbolic elaborate overdone overplayed overblown over-dramatized melodramatic sensational over the top


overstate overemphasize overestimate magnify amplify aggrandize inflate embellish embroider elaborate overplay dramatize hyperbolize stretch the truth lay it on thick make a mountain out of a molehill blow out of all proportion blow up make a big thing of

примеры использования

As he closed upon the machine, his world drew in, wrapping him in radiance and exaggerated sound.

I shall give you—” she was about to say the mule with the whole pack on its back, but she recovered in time from this exaggerated generosity and continued: “I shall give you the right pack of that mule over there, and the Indians of your troop shall divide among themselves the left pack of that same mule.

“It was these exaggerated tales that brought to the mind of adventurous men living in the same county where Harry Tilton had his farm bits of the story Harry had told.

So he exaggerated his differences.

Higgs responded with exaggerated surprise.

” George Baton’s mannerisms seemed a little exaggerated.

”Grostiman laid down his pen with exaggerated care.

When he finally stood beside the two, Dobbs made an exaggerated gesture and, pointing into the dense bush, yelled: “There, there he is, running away now.