“FIEFS.” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
flax fief fee feudatory feoff feud
феодальное поместье
manor fief feud feoff fee


имя существительное


примеры использования

Brokaw and Jennings want to preserve their fiefs for just a little while longer (Brokaw retires on December 1).

The vote on Sunday was the final stage in a peace plan to end 13 years of civil war and restore a government to Somalia, which has been divided into fiefs ruled by rival warlords since 1991 when dictator Siad Barre was ousted.

John became Lord of Ireland in 1177, but he did not receive any actual fiefs , so he got nicknamed John Lackland.

It doesn't take a genius to understand why Bremmer and his boss are so reluctant to employ the universal concept of democracy in their occupied fief .

It is not, one presumes, the view of the French generals who currently treat the people and nation of Cote d' Ivoire as their fief .