“FLEE” на русском языке


другие переводы

run escape flee race scoot course
спасаться бегством
flee seek safety in flight run fly absquatulate
avoid shun escape evade steer clear of flee
disappear pass away vanish go lose flee



run (away/off) run for it make a run for it dash take flight be gone make off take off take to one's heels make a break for it bolt beat a (hasty) retreat make a quick exit make one's getaway escape beat it clear off/out vamoose skedaddle split leg it turn tail scram light out cut out peel out fly

примеры использования

His mind screamed at him to turn away, to leave instructions for Captain Gage, to flee.

“Release yourselves, flee!

Get out, flee!

”The thief swung his fist, and Rew backpedaled toward the door, shouting over his shoulder, screaming at the soldiers to flee.

Zaine, do you know of a safe house or a bolt hole the thieves may flee to?

Whistling to himself and wondering if that poor bastard inside the apartment would indeed flee out the window—mostly to escape her—Cassian strode down the dim hallway and went to find some food.

Couldn’t open her eyes to sound the alarm, to flee.

”Rew shifted, his heart hammering, his mind screaming to fight or to flee.

Let him lunge at the knife and flee in the opposite direction and pray he didn’t follow.

He could feel the pull from Mordenhold, and he could feel an even stronger desire to leave the town, to flee over the Spine and into the wilderness.

He saw one on a sled turn and flee and then another, and he couldn’t say he blamed them for it, and then one of the hatchlings shot out from the eyrie and tore them both to pieces.