“FRENZY” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
madness frenzy insanity folly lunacy distraction
fury frenzy rage raving rampage violence
rabies rage fury frenzy furiousness madness
fury rage anger wrath ire frenzy
буйный бред
приводить в бешенство
infuriate frenzy nark


имя существительное

hysteria madness mania delirium feverishness fever wildness agitation turmoil tumult wild excitement euphoria elation ecstasy

примеры использования

Seeing this, the female Child of the Five went into a frenzy of activity, sending out orders via her flagmen to prepare her infantry to fend off the charge.

Then a Taiytakei ran out and grabbed the end of one of the chains and started to pull on it, struggling to even lift it, to wrap it around the iron; and then more men ran forward, and in a moment a swarm of them were heaving beneath the dragon’s maw, slaves and Taiytakei alike, dragging the loose ends of the chains and wrapping them around the plinth, twisting them together, pinning them with the bent barrel of the ruined gun, shouting and cheering and swearing up a giddy frenzy of hope.

Zafir felt his sense of death, his own coming end, but greater still his hunger to be a storm as he fell upon the glasships yet again, a frenzy of tooth and claw and lashing tail.

I rub myself against the tiles in a frenzy of itching until the skin splits, spilling forth fluid, and I can wriggle free of it.

She dug with a frenzy.

Pedestrians cased the sidewalk in a mission destination frenzy.

She forced her shaking hand to pull it free and cut, slashing at the ropes, cutting the dragon’s scales and the flesh beneath in her frenzy to be free.

Her golden hair had been whipped up into a frenzy by the wind and her asymmetrical umbrella looked as if it was about to get blown away.

Knew its last half minute was a swift frenzy of notes and rising, grand sound.

Lightning flashed everywhere, men ran and howled, waving ashgars, hurling themselves at each other in murderous frenzy.

’ She slowly walked past Liang out into the frenzy of the dragon yard and tipped back her head to look at the stars.