“FURY” на русском языке


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имя существительное
fury rage anger wrath ire rampage
anger wrath rage fury ire passion
fury frenzy rage raving rampage violence
rabies rage fury frenzy furiousness madness
fury hag tartar Tatar
сварливая женщина
shrew termagant nagger catamaran cat fury


имя существительное

rage anger wrath outrage spleen temper crossness indignation umbrage annoyance exasperation ire choler

примеры использования

” Dobbs yelled, his face red with fury.

Seutreneause’s face set with grim fury.

He powered up in renewed fury towards the glasships as another one splintered and cracked under a hail of iron from the eyrie cannon.

Nothing in his vocabulary to describe the depth of his fury.

A gang of slaves with Tuuran at its head burst out of the tunnels, mad with fear and fury.

“It was buried long since by the fury of the Sisters.

”The fury slid from his face.

She hadn’t even cared that she’d made it down the House stairs at last—did it count, when it was driven by fury?

Her fury was as sweet as her smile to him.

” Sam’s voice was filled with fury.

Its edge caught the light of Brauctha’s fury as it descended and cleaved off both the second Modalman’s right arms.