“GASP” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
suffocation gasp asthma asphyxia oppression asphyxy
затрудненное дыхание
labored breathing dyspnea dyspnoea gasp pant laboring breath
choke suffocate gasp pant stifle asphyxiate
ловить воздух
дышать с трудом
labor for breath gasp
открывать рот
страстно желать
crave hanker long lust pant gasp


имя существительное

gulp exclamation cry sharp inhalation


catch one's breath draw in one's breath gulp exclaim cry (out)

примеры использования

Diamond Eye’s wings stretched and flared and tore at the rushing wind with a savage bite that crushed her into his scales and squeezed every gasp of air out of her and then squeezed some more.

An Adamantine Man went with his axe in his hand, screaming bloody defiance to the very last gasp of air in his lungs.

She gave a quiet gasp of pleasure as its magic washed through her, driving out aches and pains, straightening her posture.

Sam was finally able to release his hand from his mouth and take a gasp of air.

He nipped at her earlobe, drawing a gasp from her.

She couldn’t stop a near-silent gasp from escaping her as she took in the black eye, the split lip, the bruised jaw.

He saw it coming a moment before it happened, let out a pained little gasp and closed his eyes with a volley of silent oaths, and then Diamond Eye flared his wings and jumped and he was tipping sideways and the only things stopping him from falling were Zafir’s arms wrapped around him.

The pain made Sam gasp.

” He slid into the booth and a light gasp escaped her lungs.

His eyes flickered open, and he drew in an agonising gasp.

Ellany stifled a gasp.