“HAREM” на русском языке


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имя существительное
harem seraglio zenana


имя существительное

seraglio zenana women's quarters

примеры использования

What other mammal continues to indulge in sexual activity long after it can successfully compete with younger, fitter males for the favours of the harem ?

In the harem , the younger wives beg the older for stories of him and the tales begin to unravel, his kindness, his teasing, his passion, his laughter

we were invited into the harem in the rear of the house

Take a handsome rich guy who could easily get most any woman that he wanted, then set him up in a mansion with a harem of beautiful young women who will do anything to stay for another episode.

the Maharaja of Delhi had a very fine harem of 18 young and nubile wives