“HAT” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
hat napper lid muff dupe pigeon
cap hat header banner bonnet helmet
слой породы над жилой
верхний слой
skim hat
надевать шляпу
hat bonnet


имя существительное

chapeau lid

примеры использования

Filden’s outfit of dark clothes, hat and mask put him firmly in the camp of ne’er do wells, but he had nothing to worry about.

Yes, my boy, even you will take off your hat when you see how much respected I am there.

That man sure has courage not to change his hat.

This golden hat was mentioned in the description of the bandits.

One of them was the man with the huge gilded palm hat.

He was in his sleeping hat and had a thick cloak wrapped around him.

Gwyn sported a broad-brimmed hat fit for any fine lady, perched at a rakish angle on her head.

“In the papers there was Something about a gang still not caught, and the leader of this group, the worst of the whole lot, was described as wearing a gold-painted palm hat.

’‘And I’m a dragon in a funny hat!

Qurion tipped his sopping hat and clambered back onto his dracon.

” He said, then he was away, cursing at the coins spilling from the hat clutched against his chest.