“HOOKS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
claws hooks
hooks dukes
quotes quote inverted commas quotation hooks


имя существительное

peg coat rack


attach hitch fasten fix secure clasp

примеры использования

The corpses hung from hooks through their wrists, a gaping flap of skin and pasty flesh across their abdomens where their stomachs and intestines had been removed and emptied and replaced again as knotted sacs full of the potions he made to dull the hatchlings.

Rew walked up to the dais and looked at the empty hooks.

When someone with DOOMS hooks up to a BB, your feelings and memories cause feedback, like with a speaker.

” She hooks a finger in his belt loop and tugs.

The scattered men with their hooks and nets were too slow.

Rope ran from copper hooks embedded in their fins into the outstretched hands of the drowned.

They ignored him at first, then, with the drilled precision of a legion of the Adamantine Guard, a dozen of them stopped what they were doing, picked up spears with bulbous hafts and blunt hooks near their points for tripping and clubbing and beating, and started down the slope.

Iron hooks hung from walls wet with damp.

His gaze hooks onto Joy’s and holds for a few beats.