“HUGGING” на русском языке


другие переводы

hug embrace cuddle enfold oxter give a hug
keep hold hold on stick stand cling
hug put one's paws round
выражать благосклонность
крепко обнимать
сжимать в объятиях
hug cuddle oxter
быть склонным
быть приверженным


имя существительное

snuggling necking fondling petting cuddling smooching caressing kissing


embrace cuddle squeeze clasp clutch cradle cling to hold close hold tight take/fold someone in one's arms clasp someone to one's bosom

примеры использования

The fear was easing a little, and he was fairly sure now that Zafir didn’t mean to pitch him off to fall to his doom, but that didn’t stop him from sinking forward as soon she let go of him, from pressing himself into Diamond Eye’s scales still sticky with his own vomit and hugging them tight.

Three glasships approached low, hugging the surface of the storm-dark.

”Nesta just leaped onto the couch, hugging Gwyn tightly.

From their perch, they could see the thin thread of road that cut along the outskirts of the barrowlands, hugging the mountain range as tightly as it could without traveling into the actual foothills.

Liang ran out into the hatchery, hugging the eyrie wall, eyes darting everywhere for the next thing that would try to kill her.

She gave up and backed off, crouching against the wall by the hatchery with the gold-glass shell around her, hugging the stone.

Sam had no idea if he was doing it right, but Sam kept calling Lou’s name, hugging Lou close and rubbing the small body to stop the ka from separating from Lou’s ha.

“Chill,” he comforted her, hugging her close to his chest and letting her cling to him.