“MAGISTER” на русском языке


примеры использования

He didn’t know him well, but he had been on the railhead staff manifest, a minor magister with the profession of surgeon-barber and an unfortunate gambling habit.

Qurion filled in a confidential military message form and passed it on to the magister who manned the sending desk, a minor talent whose sole gift had been trained to serve the machines.

The distance between, the magister said, was roughly equivalent to thirty miles.

“They’ll be here in four days, that’s what the magister says,” said Aretimus, who was taking watch with Ilona.

“You are a very trusting man, magister.

“And yet my magister and the mages I have consulted can sense nothing amiss.

“What, a magister?

Hissenwar redeemed himself by being an unusually talented magister.

The healing magister in Perus had been among the best that nation had, and the magical marks he had stained her leg with speeded the knitting of the bone considerably.

Vand allowed the magister plenty of space for his work, and his room was full of half assembled devices, Morfaan artefacts, books and mugs of congealing tea.

I know how you see me, what that magister with the sad lovely eyes says about me.