“NATIVES” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
native son
native aborigine aboriginal indigene
native aborigine
savage native wildman
местное растение или животное


имя существительное

inhabitant resident local citizen national aborigine autochthon dweller

примеры использования

To be polite in their own way is unwritten law with these natives.

But either the merchandise promised them had not arrived or the officials had traded it to other natives for necessities.

The natives told me that he had taken up quarters in a dirty little joint down there, a kind of a mule-drivers’ lodging and boarding joint, or what they call here a fonda.

Even if Dobbs had had three pesos to buy the outfit, bootblacking was out, for he could not be a bootblack here among the natives.

No white would ever again give him a job, and the natives would consider him the most undesirable competitor.

Since this hunter molested none of the natives in any way, nobody was interested in his business.

Well, fact is, he asked the natives if there might be gold or silver mines around here.

”The coffee was accepted, and the four natives helped themselves, all drinking out of the same cup, which Curtin offered them.

Dobbs would have carried heavy stones in a wheelbarrow ten hours a day if someone had offered him the job, but even had the job been open, he would have been the last to land it, because there already would be hundreds waiting and the natives of the country come first and a foreigner afterwards, if ever.

The natives had burned their own villages and had emigrated to other parts.

The natives who worked at the same job got only two pesos.