“NEMERTEA” на русском языке


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The placement of Nemertea continues to be controversial.

Although long considered a character informative for linking nemerteans and platyhelminths, rigorous comparative analyses of protonephridial morphology have revealed no synapomorphies of nemertean and platyhelminth nephridia.

Some recent investigations of nemertean development have contributed informative characters for phylogenetic analysis, whereas others have provided insight into developmental mechanisms and patterns.

Rouse chose as terminal taxa for his analysis most of the accepted polychaete families, and in addition Clitellata, Rotifera, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea , Mollusca, Sipuncula, Echiura, and Entoprocta.

However, opinions do differ for the scoring of three phyla in particular: Platyhelminthes, Nemertea , and Rotifera (variously scored as primitively possessing or lacking a prototroch).