“NORTHERN” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
northern Nordic north northerly boreal arctic
дующий с севера
имя существительное
northerner northern Hyperborean
житель Севера
northern northerner


имя прилагательное


примеры использования

Rew glanced to the closed northern gate.

Much of the rubbish had been gathered up into a bonfire on the northern shore, where the island’s small birch wood filled in the space between wall and cliff.

Rew spun and looked down the broad avenue toward the northern gates that led to the barrowlands.

Cassian didn’t miss the sultry look his High Lady gave Rhys as she passed by, aiming for the rooms at the northern end of the palace.

His eyes moved up a long sweep of land whose northern extremities were a cartographer’s best guess of dotted lines, alternative coasts in different colours, and hazards inked in red.

A lot of them had the flat, brown faces and narrowed eyes of the northern mountain tribes.

The broad dark line of the High Spine at the northern horizon grew a little taller with every mile.

Captain Marsk is requesting all soldiers to the northern gate where he can position them to defend Falvar.

The climate reminded him of Irrica or one of the other northern kingdoms, so different to dreary, rainy Karsa.

Ahead of him was the long, broad avenue which led directly to the northern gate.

” The ancient, mountainous Fae territory across the northern sea had been stirring since before the war with Hybern, and had been both enemy and ally to Prythian in different historical eras.