“OWE” на русском языке


другие переводы

быть должным
be to must have to owe need be bound to
be due owe
быть в долгу
be in debt owe
быть обязанным кому-л.
owe be indebted to



be in debt to be indebted to be in arrears to be under an obligation to

примеры использования

We owe the kid our lives.

Mor hopped from foot to foot, rubbing her arms and gritting her teeth, and gave him a look that said, You owe me so big for this, asshole.

I appear to owe him a favour.

Perhaps she wants revenge, or maybe they owe her some reward.

“Now and here every cent you owe us, or I swear you won’t go out of here.

“If you do an hour of exercises right now, I’ll owe you a favor.

“It isn’t easy loving someone from a distance, which is why I owe you an apology.

“I owe you one.

“I understand I owe you my thanks,” boomed Baron Fedgley.

I owe you one hour of training.

”Chapter Seven“My sister says I owe you thanks,” murmured the boy, Raif.