“PINWHEEL” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
cracker pinwheel squib fizgig spitdevil flip-flap
цевочное колесо
pinwheel lantern
вертушка на палочке
swirl whirl pinwheel curl

примеры использования

Also in London, Italian architect Renzo Piano breaks open the normally closed body of the tower, with surface planes that pinwheel out from the body into turning facets.

As usual, we lashed firecrackers and pyrotechnics to the frame, stuffed a mortar in its mouth, and added a blazing pinwheel for the beast's eye.

I left the cabin and picked up my fishing rod, which Ishmael had festooned with some very sexy lures, including a neon-green pinwheel .

Edith stated that she blew on the pinwheel from different directions and the best direction to blow should be from the side.

In fact, it might be useful to compare the figure to a child's pinwheel that is still and motionless.