“REPUBLIC” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
republic commonwealth commonweal
группа людей с общими интересами
имя прилагательное
republican republic


имя существительное

democracy commonwealth

примеры использования

Here they occupied themselves for two days studying maps and trying to get information from all sorts of people who knew this part of the republic.

The field manager had also the feeling that oil was no longer easy money, only he had another explanation to offer—that the new oil laws of the republic were to blame for the dying of the business.

Tell you a secret, believe it or not, but I’m an oldtimer and I know a cat when I see one, and I tell you I’ve got the feeling oil is going on the rocks hereabouts, maybe in the whole goddamned republic.

He could not even decide for himself whether he wished to stay in the republic or return to the States.

It looked more than ever as if the whole oil business were going to die, at least in the republic here and for sure in this section of the Country.

They would have made him president of the republic had they had the power to do so.

Few tourists stopped in this hotel, and if they did, it was mostly by mistake and they went back home telling the world what a dirty country the republic was.

Often they are short of ready cash, since the funds they have here in the republic are all taken up for drilling-expenses or for paying out options unexpectedly acquired.

No village in the republic is complete without such a pavilion in the center of the plaza.

The two young men had come to the republic to look for gold because back home the most fantastic tales about the riches of lost gold mines here in this country had stirred their ambition to make their millions down here.

It’s the law that everybody in the republic has to have been vaccinated inside of the last five years to prevent smallpox epidemics.