“RHOMBOIDEUS” на русском языке


примеры использования

A slip at the level of rhomboideus minor, named rhomboideus minimus, extends from the scapula to thoracic or lower cervical vertebral spines.

This is a back view on left side, showing slips of levator scapulae to serratus anterior and rhomboideus minor.

Muscles acting on the scapula in this section include serratus anterior, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, trapezius, and deltoid.

The slip from the inferior angle of the scapula has sometimes provided fasciculi that are directly continuous with the fibers of rhomboideus major.

In another report, splenius colli accessorius or rhomboaxoides was found arising from the fascia of rhomboideus minor and serratus posterior inferior.