“ROYAL” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
royal regal kingly queenly basilic king's
royal regal kingly purple
regal royal kingly princely queenly queenlike
majestic magnificent stately grand sublime royal
luxurious sumptuous splendid deluxe palatial royal
British Britannic royal
great sumptuous gorgeous magnificent excellent royal
English British Anglican royal
имя существительное
член королевской семьи
royal royalty
благородный олень
red deer royal stag royal
большой формат бумаги
royal atlas royal paper
royal royal mast


имя прилагательное

regal kingly queenly princely sovereign monarchical

имя существительное

royal stag

примеры использования

But the royal heir resents Byren’s growing popularity, and in the court of King Rolen, the shadows are thick with enemies plotting revolution.

“Duke Eeron has kept his duchy free of most of the royal politics.

But around us last night was un tigre real y muy grande, it was a royal tiger of the biggest sort.

Both walked behind Rhys and Feyre, a silent indicator that they were a part of the royal family.

He’d been a royal pain at dinner.

By the most terrible tortures, which only Spaniards grown up under the regime of the Inquisitors could conceive, the old Mexicans and the other Indians were forced to reveal the mines where the gold had come from for the royal treasures.

“Tigre real, royal tiger?

Prince Valchon selected Baron Fedgley to command the wraiths he is assembling because Fedgley is the strongest necromancer in the realm outside of the royal line.

Musta been a big tiger, a tigre real, a royal tiger.

‘Do you have any idea what a royal pain in the arse it’s going to be to get back up?