“RUBBLE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
boulder bowlder rubble nodule
cobblestone cobble rock rubble pebble paving stone
рваный камень
rubble breeze gum small coal duff
scrap rubble salvage refutable refuse junk


имя существительное

debris remains ruins wreckage

примеры использования

’They almost killed themselves getting the last chain nets back up but eventually managed it, Liang pillaging gold-glass from the rubble of the crashed glasship and reshaping it into struts and beams and arches.

The Scales had found several when they’d been clearing the rubble from the ruined hatchery, and one of them hadn’t ever quite made it back in the chaos of the Elemental Men.

And then pray that the lovely home Feyre and Rhys had just moved into wouldn’t be reduced to rubble.

Explosions sounded all across the town as it crumbled into rubble and went up in flames.

The beetle moved up and over a pile of rubble as smoothly as a millipede.

—She died beneath the rubble with our child still inside her.

“She died beneath the rubble with our child still inside her.

The debris and rocks scattered around the sandy beach ignored the law of gravity and flew into the air, surrounding Amelie in layer after layer of rubble.

The path was choked with rubble and splinters that cast odd lumpen shadows in the moonlight where the bridge had spilled its guts into the water.

It left a narrow passage through, the bottom filled with rubble and scree from above.

They jumped into the dragon yard or tumbled down the shallow outer slope to the craggy edges of the rim to hide in the rubble and mounds of rubbish, and Zafir could only laugh because a dragon could pluck out your very thoughts, and only the alchemist had a remedy for that.