“SKINNY” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
skinny lean gaunt scrawny meager scraggy
кожа да кости
skinny slim-jim
skinny gaunt attenuate
skinny gaunt attenuate
плотно облегающий
skin-tight skinny closebodied close-fitting tight-fitting
coriaceous skinny dermatoid


имя прилагательное

thin scrawny scraggy bony angular rawboned hollow-cheeked gaunt as thin as a rake skin-and-bones sticklike emaciated waiflike skeletal pinched undernourished underfed slim lean slender rangy lanky spindly gangly gangling gawky size-zero anorexic (looking) like a bag of bones spindle-shanked

имя существительное

gossip (inside) information intelligence news inside story lowdown info dope dirt scoop poop

примеры использования

She changed out of her Bermuda shorts and into skinny jeans cuffed at the ankle and a white button-down blouse with a baby-doll collar.

Do not be skinny!

With the piece of metal still clenched in his hand, Baby Brother lunged at a skinny dude with a big head, stabbing him deeply in the throat with a fork and sending him down for good.

Perhaps she’s placed me at Max’s estate that day, or from the Stuck Six stories, or even from that stupid skinny dip.

’‘The skinny shit who made me into a slave again.

”Baby Brother grinned and lifted his chin at the skinny brother standing on the stoop.

‘You come one way or the other, slave,’ said the skinny desert man.

Wiry and skinny and shorter than she was but with a face that looked as though it had walked through Xibaiya and back again, chasing ghosts for fun.

“Wouldn’t want to be skinny now, would I?

My skinny arse she can’t ride!

One was the skinny desert man from Dhar Thosis, the rest Tuuran had never seen before.