“SMUDGEPOTS” на русском языке


примеры использования

Sometimes growers light smudge pots in hopes of blanketing the field with protective smoke and turn on giant fans in the field to keep the frost from settling on the vines.

I remember especially how they used smudge pots which emanated foul warm air to save the orange trees during the frosty days in winter.

Although late cold snaps occur infrequently, growers in the North Coast are geared to mitigate the effects with smudge pots , overhead sprinklers, and wind machines, huge fans that keep cold air moving in the vineyards.

Starting from the East and holding the lit smudge pot , each person can bathe themselves in the smoke.

They would light a fire in the base of the smudge pot , and smoke would come out of the chimney vents.