“SQUAT” на русском языке


другие переводы

squat cower curtsey curtsy
сидеть на корточках
squat hunker squatty sit on one's haunches
припадать к земле
свернуться в клубок
curl up coil up nuzzle squat roll up
незаконно вселяться в дом
имя прилагательное
squat stocky stumpy squatty fubsy squab
stocky chunky thickset stumpy squat dumpy
короткий и толстый
squab chunky squat podgy squatty squabby
имя существительное
сидение на корточках
hole burrow den lodge earth squat


имя прилагательное

stocky thickset dumpy stubby stumpy short small vertically challenged

имя существительное

doodly-squat diddly-squat diddlysquat jack diddly shit


crouch (down) hunker (down) sit on one's haunches sit on one's heels

примеры использования

Cassian didn’t seem even remotely impressed as she rose from the squat he’d made her hold while supporting a wooden stick above her head.

Narjags could be fast in short bursts, their muscular but squat legs propelling them in lopping leaps, but they tended to have low stamina and couldn’t cover long distances quickly.

He came back to the fire, but did not squat down.

He motioned for her to do another squat.

On top of their heavily muscled shoulders were a second pair of arms, and round, hairless heads sat on squat necks.

It was a short squat clay thing, a creature a little like an inverted urn with stubby little arms and stubbier little legs.

She had half a mind to call in their bargain and order him to never make her do another squat again.

Their squat legs were muscular, and they could propel themselves into impressive jumps and short sprints, but they had little stamina and weren’t as dexterous as he was moving over terrain.

She used to not give a squat what others thought.

Ruthnia, where your Hundred Kingdoms squat in the ruins of our world, was but a province.

Here they were allowed to squat under the trees, lashed together and guarded by five Indians sitting close, with their machetes on their laps.