“SURROUNDINGS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
neighborhood surroundings vicinity environs suburbs suburb
environment surroundings entourage encirclement ambience setting
Wednesday environment medium surroundings environ environs


имя существительное

environment setting milieu background backdrop conditions circumstances situation context vicinity locality habitat

примеры использования

I’ve never seen a map of these surroundings.

His surroundings had him forget both discomforts.

One had its back to him and was investigating its surroundings.

After a slight time-lag, Amelie made a face as if she was examining her surroundings before she answered.

Sam scanned his surroundings to try and figure out what she was talking about, but there was nothing unusual to be seen.

Cantrips one can whisper, wardings one can maintain, ways to anchor oneself to your surroundings and leverage external strength.

Even now, when the boy opened his eyes and began to recognize his surroundings and his father and mother, the onlookers acted as if under a spell.

So he sat and sipped water and saw what he could see of his surroundings while his hangover improved.

The message started silently with Die-Hardman looking back over his shoulder to check his surroundings.

He blew into the fire and made it blaze up, lighting up the whole surroundings.

By the time they landed, their surroundings were veiled in darkness.