“SURVIVING” на русском языке


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remain alive live sustain oneself pull through get through hold on/out make it keep body and soul together

примеры использования

The three surviving warriors attacked.

Without a ranger escort, they’d have no chance of surviving the journey.

The surviving ayre had charged Jon, and the ranger had acquitted himself well, chopping the forelegs of the thing, crippling it.

He was standing in the middle of the surviving eggs, looking at the pieces of the broken ones, counting for the third time, beckoning her over.

Anne is the only chance your brother has of surviving the day.

Mother Moude soared and dived, harrying the surviving Guiders.

I suggest you fortify the town, and then, send out patrols of loyal men to track down the surviving narjags.

”“I’ll settle for surviving.

They let themselves die, rather than face the shame of their lost battle and surviving when their sisters had not.

Maybe all of the surviving Dark Kind were headed north, instead of a small representation.

Laughing, the surviving thief turned and lunged for Ralcrist’s open balcony.