“TENT” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
tent booth stall bivvy pavilion tabernacle
canopy shed overhang awning sunshade tent
tampon swab pledget sponge pack tent
foliage tent
слабое красное испанское вино
разбивать палатку
tent pitch one's tent
жить в палатках
camp tent
вставлять тампон
tampon tent


имя существительное

marquee big top dome tent pup tent teepee wigwam


encamp camp bivouac camp out

примеры использования

She was shunned for bearing a child out of wedlock, and forced to give birth to me alone in a tent in the dead of winter.

The tent and all the belongings of the partners, including provisions, were also taken into this fortress.

”“Seems to be a tent.

At the edge of the battlefield, a tent had been set up, and Anne immediately started toward it, ignoring the surprised calls of the armored men when they saw the party appear.

Curtin was saved only because he had left his gun on his cot in the tent.

As the army departed, the Brass God remained in his tent.

Yeah, that was a great camping trip, even if we didn’t go further than a mile from his house and the tent leaked.

Laughter greeted each falling tent and spontaneous altercation.

”Dona Maria turned round and went to her little tent.

Chrias emerged from the tent.

Ilona and Bannord walked a path of dirty ice toward the camp’s single tent.