“VIBRANT” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
vibrating vibrant vibratory thrilling shaky
quivering shaky quavering tremulous quaking vibrant
resonating resonant vibrant
flickering vibrant throbbing palpitating shivery


имя прилагательное

spirited lively full of life energetic vigorous vital full of vim and vigor animated sparkling effervescent vivacious dynamic stimulating exciting passionate fiery peppy feisty

примеры использования

”The sun hung low on the horizon, blazing vibrant red and orange, casting its light on the pale stone of Falvar and the jagged spires of the Spine in the distance.

The day was as crisp as one could ever wish, the mountains around them vibrant green, the teal rivers so clear that even from high above, she could see the white stones lining their beds.

For the moment large stretches were patched with vibrant green.

None of it seemed as vibrant as what waited above.

Didn’t note the vibrant oranges and reds and yellows of the autumn trees or the sparkling blue of the Sidra as she crossed one of the countless bridges spanning its winding body, aiming for its western bank.

Snow patches turned a vibrant orange in the last light of day.

So many flowers, all in bloom, so much green—the light, vibrant green of new grass—so many birds singing and such warm, buttery sunshine.

”Nesta kept her focus on the glittering river, vibrant with the hues of sunset.

It’s like a giant painted an emerald green canvas with the most vibrant colors you can fathom.

A vast, vibrant world.

Shimmering domes of copper and tin adorn the buildings, and the people wear light linen robes dyed in vibrant hues.