“WIGGLERS” на русском языке


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wiggler wriggler


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As summer advances, the proportion of feathers in the gumbo increases, and so does the flotsam of shed skins of mosquito wigglers and dragonflies and frogs, and the floating corpses of minnows, tadpoles, and crabs.

He has consulted at most of the storage ring projects around the world, many of which have installed Halbach design undulators and wigglers .

Larvae, also known as wigglers , are tiny, pale and move very fast on the surface of water, says May.

The advent of the third-generation synchrotron radiation facilities, featured by insertion devices such as undulators and wigglers , is fundamentally changing this situation.

It's this number that Marilyn does and she wasn't much of a dancer, she's just a wiggler .