“AGED” на украинском языке


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elderly aged advanced in years
elderly summery aged summerly
old used aged ancient decrepit back


имя прилагательное

elderly old mature older senior hoary ancient senescent advanced in years in one's dotage long in the tooth as old as the hills past one's prime not as young as one used to be getting on over the hill no spring chicken

имя существительное



mature mellow ripen season

примеры использования

The expedition’s aged antiquarian shuffled to the front.

They felt almost as though they had aged overnight.

“The Cauldron aged Briallyn to punish her.

And in all that time, she hasn’t aged a day.

That was supposedly why she never aged.

Minutes later he stood on the raggedy porch of an aged house.

But it had already aged decades.

“Some things have aged well since this was first sewn, improved even.

Made into a long-lived Fae, yes, but aged into a withered shell as punishment for the power Nesta had taken from the Cauldron.

No one was left in the room but a son who had just returned from the world of the dead and an aged mother who was about to depart for it.

Beneath the hoods, Rel saw aged faces, deeply wrinkled and turned a whitish grey.