“PRACTICAL” на немецкии языке


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имя прилагательное
practical convenient handy useful functional expedient
practicable practical operable
useful helpful beneficial valuable good practical
objective factual businesslike relevant material practical
functional practical
functional practical
actual real true effective positive
useful usable viable serviceable practical workable
applied practical
insensitive immune inured hardy practical
apt practical
practicing executive practical


имя прилагательное

empirical hands-on actual active applied heuristic experiential evidence-based

примеры использования

Travel by portal seems the only practical way to manage such an expansive area.

The Taiytakei saw things differently, but Perth Oran T’Varr was of a practical disposition – he was a t’varr after all – and considered any slaves who had died in the crossfire of the fighting nothing more than useful meat.

Native boys would kick his buckets and spill the lemonade, and should he find a pair of shoes to shine, all the native bootblacks would surround him and pester him with practical jokes and filthy language, so that the customer would leave before his shine was finished.

They were practical for hiking through the woods, as were the soft leather boots he spied on her feet.

A practical bit of magic, Rew supposed, though he thought it ridiculous to attempt to teach a girl with her skill an attack.

Years ago, I fashioned physical restraints using my theories, thinking it was a practical way to safely capture lawbreakers who can cast high magic.

The women of the house where he was staying had been more practical than their men.

Did she mean in the practical sense, or the theoretical sense?

It’s all storage down there, not practical living quarters, but it’s space.

Ardovani could do things Bannord could not, feats of magic and engineering that were as practical as they were amazing, and the weapon he carried was the most powerful device she had ever seen.

The idea of wearing men’s clothes in high society appalled her, but at that moment she wished for a choice of something more practical.