“DEPARTED” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
deceased departed defunct late lamented
dead departed
имя прилагательное
late deceased departed defunct later latter
dead deceased died late departed defunct
deceased departed defunct
past departed
erstwhile onetime olden departed lapsed


имя прилагательное

dead expired gone no more passed on/away perished fallen six feet under pushing up daisies deceased with God asleep

имя существительное

deceased deceased person decedent dead person


leave go (away) withdraw absent oneself abstract oneself quit exit decamp retreat retire make off run off/away set off/out get underway be on one's way make tracks clear off/out take off split

примеры использования

Rew had felt Tate’s body before he’d departed and estimated the man had been killed two hours prior.

It had been explained to him when he first departed Capital Knot City.

“They’re hiding from Baron Fedgley’s soldiers, and they must have started moving shortly after the bulk of those soldiers departed and cleared the gates of the town.

He tallied the number of narjags that had departed and found there were too many.

Bridges II has departed.

Now that Bridges I had finally departed on a mission to rebuild America, terrorist attacks and assaults by Homo Demens were on the rise, and that, combined with the BTs and the MULEs, made it harder and harder for Higgs and the others to work.

Sixty opportunities to search the Beach for my departed family.

He departed from the manuscript’s advice in only one way: he fought on the front lines with his soldiers, rather than commanding from the rear.

It had already been more than a week since Sam had departed Lake Knot City to call on the preppers.

No one had inked their name on it by the time she departed.

This was the conversation that he had with Amelie before he departed Capital Knot City.