“AQUAMARINE” на итальянском языке


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имя существительное

cobalt blue turquoise peacock blue aqua

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The curving strip of yellow sand glistened and the water radiated a vivid aquamarine .

Instead of the pure primary or secondary colors one expects to see in paintings that make reference to modernism, these canvases are often dominated by peculiar shades of hot pink, chartreuse, wine red or aquamarine .

Fine aquamarine continues to be mined here, but it is getting harder to find.

New research in the United States revealed yesterday that the average shade of what they called the ‘cosmic spectrum’ is a greenish hue halfway between aquamarine and turquoise.

Within this unique ecosystem, high levels of silica, minerals and algae form a light sediment at the bottom of the lagoon, giving it a soft milky aquamarine colour.