“BUTCHERY” на итальянском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
slaughterhouse slaughter abattoir shambles butchery massacre
massacre slaughter butchery heartbreaker


имя существительное

carnage mass murder slaughter massacre

примеры использования

The slaughter and butchery of 200 cattle and the consumption of 40,000 kilos of beef, even if spread over a year or two, suggest the participation of many communities, perhaps from a whole clan or tribe.

There is a graphic description, for instance, of the killings in Rwanda and of the butchery of 3,000 Tutsis seeking sanctuary in a church.

He wants the government to round up all the gunmen and their allies, be their military allies or politicians, and force them to pay for their butchery .

As we do our grisly march through slavery, genocide, and butchery for profit my students often ask, does anyone learn from history?

Murder and mayhem isn't just limited to bare-handed butchery , oh no.