“BORING” на казахском языке


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имя прилагательное

tedious dull monotonous repetitive unrelieved unvaried unimaginative uneventful characterless featureless colorless lifeless insipid uninteresting unexciting uninspiring unstimulating uninvolving unreadable unwatchable jejune flat bland dry stale tired banal lackluster stodgy vapid monochrome dreary humdrum mundane mind-numbing wearisome tiring tiresome irksome trying frustrating deadly ho-hum dullsville dull as dishwater plain-vanilla

имя существительное



stultify pall on stupefy weary tire fatigue send to sleep leave cold bore to death bore to tears turn off

примеры использования

Says he’s boring.

The school year was boring enough in Seattle.

“My life was very boring.

Your life could be very boring here, though it will be safe.

Only the whites of his eyes gave off any light, boring two bright holes into the darkness.

How boring it was, to feel.

At the far end of the room, a little dais led into a broad raised alcove flanked by more books—and in its center, a massive, working model of their world, the stars and planets around it, and some other fancy things that had been explained to Cassian once before he deemed them boring and proceeded to ignore them completely.

How boring of you to cling to it so.