“BOWL” на казахском языке


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имя существительное

dish basin pot crock mortar container vessel receptacle jorum porringer

примеры использования

Beside the bath sat a brass bowl on a pedestal filled with water and a little ice.

He held the tiny brand to the bowl of his pipe and inhaled, drawing the fire in and watching it dance across the dry leaf.

Until the bowl was clean and she started on the eggs.

An enchanted bowl of never-melting ice that Liang had made for him years ago.

As well as a bowl of whipped cream topped with raspberries.

”A spoon appeared alongside the bowl.

In disgust, he set the bowl by Aramaz’s snout.

Nesta sat down, grabbed the bowl of porridge, shoved a lumpy spoonful into her mouth, and nearly gagged at the taste.

”Gwyn’s hands were shaking as she took another step into the ring and peered into the open bowl of the sky.

A bowl of apples, his favourite fruit, sat untouched on his desk.

She’d turned from the sight, entering the House through its dining room, where she found a bowl of some sort of pork-and-bean soup waiting.